Understanding Sinus Headaches: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

 Sinus headache is a type of headache that usually occurs as a result of congestion or inflammation in the sinuses. This type of headache causes severe pain in specific areas of the face, and often gets worse when moving or bending. This headache usually does not last for a long time, but if the symptoms persist for more than a week, you should see a doctor. In this article, we discuss the causes of sinus-related headaches and the most important treatments to reduce them.

What are the causes of sinus headaches?

The sinuses are air cavities located in the cheekbones, forehead, and nose, and are lined with a membrane that secretes mucus. These sinuses work to moisturize the air we breathe, purify it from dust and pollutants, and are related to improving the voice, in addition to reducing the weight of the skull. Sinus headaches occur for many reasons, including the following:

Viral infection: This is the most common cause of sinusitis and associated headaches. About 90% of people who get colds end up showing symptoms of sinusitis.

Bacterial infection: usually occurs after a viral infection, and often causes symptoms to last longer.

Fungal infection: usually occurs in people with weakened immune systems.

Seasonal allergies that last for a long period of time.

Structural differences such as nasal polyps or a deviated nasal septum.

What are the symptoms of sinus headache?

Sinus headache is a symptom of sinusitis, so the causes and symptoms are interconnected. Symptoms of sinus-related headaches include:

Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing.

Nasal discharge (yellow or green).

Weakened sense of smell.

A feeling of severe pressure behind the forehead and cheeks that worsens with movement, especially bending over.

What medications treat sinus headaches?

Sinuses and headaches are linked, so the doctor must determine the cause of sinusitis in order to prescribe the required treatment. While bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, viral infections do not require this and go away without treatment within days. Your doctor may prescribe a range of medications to relieve sinus headaches, including:

Pain relievers to relieve headaches.

Decongestants to reduce swelling in the nose and sinuses.

Steroids (cortisone derivatives) to reduce inflammation.

Antihistamines to prevent allergy symptoms.

How to treat sinus headaches at home?

In addition to medications that help relieve sinus headaches, there are many home remedies that help relieve these symptoms, including the following:

Inhaling steam, which helps reduce congestion and relieve pain.

Drink plenty of water and warm fluids to thin mucus.

Use warm compresses to relieve pain and pressure.

Raise your head slightly while sleeping to reduce congestion and drain mucus.

Rinse your nose with saline or saline spray.

Utilize a humidifier to maintain moisture in your nasal passages.

Stay away from smokers and polluted areas.

What is the final treatment for sinusitis?

Surgery is the last option for treating sinus problems after medications and non-surgical procedures have failed, especially if symptoms persist or worsen. Some conditions that may require surgical intervention include:

Chronic sinusitis.

Sinus obstruction.

Sinus abscess.

Frequently asked questions

How long does a sinus headache last?

The duration of the headache depends on the cause, i.e. whether it is caused by acute sinusitis or chronic sinusitis. The headache usually lasts from 10 days to 3 weeks if it is associated with acute sinusitis, while it lasts for more than 12 weeks in chronic sinusitis. In the case of a cold, sinus headaches go away after a few days.

What is the difference between pressure headaches and sinus headaches?

Pressure headaches (tension headaches) are distinguished from sinus headaches by their location and the symptoms associated with them. Pressure headaches appear as pressure or severity around the head, and are often concentrated on the sides, forehead, or back of the head, and are not accompanied by any other symptoms, unlike sinus headaches, which are accompanied by many symptoms such as nasal congestion, mucous secretions, and pain in the sinus area.

What is the drink that treats sinusitis?

There are many drinks that help relieve the symptoms of sinusitis, but drinking enough water is the first. You can drink warm water with lemon, honey, and chamomile tea to relieve congestion and improve sleep.
